1. NAME

 1.1. The Guild shall be known as The Egg Artistry Guild of Australia Inc. herein after called the E.A.G.of A.

 2. AIM

 2.1. The aim of the E.A.G.of A is to grow together, to achieve a high standard of egg artistry, and to promote the art of eggshell decoration throughout Australia.


 3.1. Any person who has a genuine interest in the aims of the E.A.G.of A may apply to join the E.A.G.of A.

 3.2.  Membership fee is to be $10 upon joining the E.A.G.of A. and is to be reviewed at each Annual General meeting.

 3.3  Annual Subscriptions shall be due and payable by 1st July each year or in the case of new E.A.G.of A members upon joining the E.A.G.of A.
The subscription rate is to be reviewed at each AGM. Payment will be by cheque, money order,cash or direct bank transfer. Credit card payment will not be accepted.

3.4.  Annual Subscription for overseas members will cost an extra $10.

3.5.  Family Membership: Within a family one person should be a full member and remaining family members will be associate members. All the family must be residing at the some address and only one magazine will be issued. All family members will pay the membership fee. The family membership subscription rate will be reviewed at each AGM.

3.6.  Persons joining after the 1st January need only pay half the annual subscription plus full membership fee.

 3.7.  Membership will be cancelled should the annual subscription remain unpaid for two consecutive years.

 3.8.  The financial year shall be from I" July to 30th June.

3.9.  Members must be financial to participate in E.A.G.of A. activities.

 3.10.  If it can be demonstrated that a member is acting in a manner contrary to the constitution of the E.A.G.of A., the executive committee will have the right (after the issuing of two written notices regarding breaches of the constitution) to cancel that person's membership. The right of appeal against this decision will consist of an appeal to an ordinary general meeting of members for a majority decision.


4.1. The executive committee shall consist of a President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Magazine Coordinator for a term of 12 months.

4.2.  If an executive committee is not appointed at an Annual General Meeting the E.A.G.of A. will go into recess for a period of 12 months, with the previous executive acting as caretakers.

4.3. If after that 12 months there is no executive committee forthcoming, the E.A.G.of A. would be considered disbanded, and all monies and proceeds of sale of properties donated to a nominated charity or charities.


5.1.  Elections are to be held at the Annual General Meeting in July of each Year.

5.2. The retiring President will declare all positions vacant and nominate a financial member to act as returning officer to conduct the election.

5.3.  Only financial members are eligible to stand for office.

5.4.  Only financial members may vote and be present at an AGM.

5.5.  Members must be present to vote.

5.6.  Members must have attended at least three ordinary general meetings/workshops in the preceding year to be eligible to vote.

5.7.  Nominations for positions declared vacant will be accepted:

1. From the floor at the Annual General Meeting or

2. In writing up to one week prior to the Annual General Meeting on an Official E.A.G.of A. nomination form, forwarded to the secretary.

5.8. If more than one nomination for a position is received, a confidential vote will be conducted by the returning officer. Voting slips will be made available for scrutiny by members if required after the meeting.


 6.1. Meetings are to be held regularly providing at least 10 % of the total membership is present.

6.2. Interested persons are welcome to attend one (1) meeting as a visitor prior to applying for membership.


7.1.  An Annual General Meeting will be held in July.

7.2.  Quorum for the AGM will be 15% of the total membership.

7.3. If the required quorum is not achieved, members will be notified in writing of a new date for the AGM


8.1.  Any amendment to the E.A.G.of A. constitution cannot be made without notice given in writing to all members no less than two weeks prior to a forthcoming ordinary general meeting.


 9.1.  A magazine will be published regularly and sent to all full financial members.


10.1. Exhibitions of members work will be held periodically and shall be open to the public.

 10.2. Only decorated natural eggshells are to be exhibited at said exhibitions.



11.1.  The income and property of  the E.A.G.of A. shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the E.A.G.of A  and no portion thereof shall  be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise, howsoever by way of profit, to members or relatives of members of the E.A.G.of A., provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any officer or servant of the E.A.G.of A. or to any members of the E.A.G.of A. for any service actually rendered to the E.A.G.of A., or reasonable end proper rental for premises let by any member of the E.A.G.of A.

11.2.  All financial members of the E.A.G.of A have the right to vote regarding the management and control of funds and other property of the E.A.G.of A.


18th AUGUST 2000

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Copyright 2004 - 2012 
 Maureen Williams
Diamond Innovations
Last revised: January 05, 2012.
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