Any person who has a genuine interest in the aims of the Egg Artistry Guild of Australia may apply to join the Guild. Please read the Constitution for details of the Aims of the Guild and other information.

If you have any queries contact one of the Committee Members
to obtain a current Membership ApplicationForm


Membership   $10 (Australian) once off joining fee
Annual Subscription ##  $40 (Australian)
International Subscription $45 (Australian)
Associate Membership $10 (Australian) **family relationships

## Subscriptions are due and payable on 1st July each year. Persons joining after the 1st January need only pay half the annual subscription plus the full membership fee.

**Within a family each individual must pay the once only membership fee. One person should join as a full member and the remaining persons have the option to join as associate members. All members must reside at the same address as only one magazine will be issued.

Forward the completed form  with the Membership Fee
 and the appropriate annual subscription to:

The Treasurer
E.A.G.A. Inc.
7 Bryant Court
Golden Grove
SA 5125


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Number of Visitors since January 22nd, 2004


Copyright 2004 - 2012
 Maureen Williams
Diamond Innovations
Last revised: January 07, 2012.
Website comments to Webmistress